Score Possibilities for - Control


Your team is a model of clear lines of authority and delegated responsibility. Team members regularly ask clarifying questions to be sure information is flowing smoothly and resources are readily available. Bottlenecks may occur, but they are identified and resolved fairly quickly. The system provides excellent feedback, affirmation and course correction. In fact, leaders give plenty of attention to clarifying authority, facilitating coordination, and providing resources for team members.


People on your team generally know who is responsible for delegated tasks. When bottlenecks occur, people on the team often, but not always, identify and resolve them. A few people on the team are slow to give feedback and provide collaborative support. Leaders can give more attention to creating a more effective system of collaboration and feedback.


Your team experiences significant bottlenecks from time to time, and a few of them may have become chronic problems. It only takes one person to create a systemic and troublesome bottleneck. If it isn’t addressed, it can erode the energy of a team. On this team, there isn’t a regular arena or time to clarify lines of authority so people make a lot of assumptions about who is responsible and how tasks will be done. Problems with authority and delegated responsibility aren’t addressed until someone “has had it!”


On this team, power and control may in the hands of only one or two people, or perhaps the team experiences the opposite problem: nobody knows who’s responsible for anything. Either way, people on the team feel discouraged and isolated. They aren’t challenged to do their best because they don’t know what’s expected of them, and they don’t feel appreciated when they try hard. A person who isn’t the leader may be the power broker in this environment.


Your team experiences confusion and resentment because people don’t know what’s expected of them. One person may be the ultimate power broker and insist on controlling every person’s activities, or perhaps no one knows what’s going on, so everyone feels out of control. On teams like this, collaboration is virtually nonexistent, and each person is angry and defensive. Bottlenecks have become such a way of life that nobody even notices the frustration and inefficiency they cause.