Score Possibilities for - Leadership
The organization’s strategy of leadership development is clearly defined and effectively implemented. It includes identifying rising leaders, then selecting, equipping, placing, and overseeing them. The team leader invests considerable resources in leadership development. In fact, it’s one of the chief values of the organization.
On this team, the strategy of developing leaders may be clear, but the implementation needs some attention. Or perhaps, the strategy may not be as clear and comprehensive as it needs to be, but people see a lot of value in developing leaders. The organization is seeing a significant pool of people rising into positions of leadership, but some are slipping through the cracks due to inattention.
A few team members are doing a good job of investing in leadership development, but there isn’t an effective overall strategy for the team. Team leaders may talk a good game, but the implementation is lacking in some way. They may be focusing on training people in skills instead of developing character and heart in rising leaders. Instead of pursing people with leadership potential, existing leaders assume, “If other people want to be leaders, they’ll ask to be developed.”
In this organization, there is a chronic shortage of competent leaders. The existing leaders haven’t invested attention and resources in identifying, selecting, equipping, and placing rising leaders, and frankly, they don’t see it as a priority. They are trying to protect their own positions instead of developing others as leaders. The result is that the staff and key volunteers feel burdened by unrealistic demands. They are overworked and underappreciated.
In toxic organizations, the top leader demands allegiance, and he sees leadership development as a threat to his position. He may say he’s committed to developing leaders, but he only wants people who are “yes men” and “yes women.” He seldom celebrates when others succeed. People feel used and resentful, but they may be afraid to leave because those who look elsewhere are branded as “disloyal.”