Score Possibilities for - Responsive


The team leader and members are perceptive about opportunities and threats they face. They regularly ask each other for input and advice, and they welcome outside input that can help them respond to situations more effectively. They are always learning and trying new methods to gain insight and skills. Leaders value the whole team’s participation, so they invest time and energy to get buy-in from everyone on the team. Details are important to this team, and very few things fall through the cracks.


Team members invest time and energy to communicate and collaborate between departments. They value each other’s input and seek excellence in serving people. They may let a few things fall through the cracks, but when they become aware of these things, they make adjustments. Generally, they value outside input to help them be more effective, but they may not seek it often enough.


Some members of the team are conscientious and responsive to meet other’s needs, but pockets of lethargy rob the team of enthusiasm and excellence. Perhaps some of the people aren’t clear about their responsibility and roles. The team leader makes a lot of assumptions about how things “ought to go,” but doesn’t create and manage systems that regularly analyze opportunities and threats. They may do an analysis of an event, but they seldom do anything different next time.


Staff members see each other as competitors rather than collaborators, so silos are the norm for the organization. People are more interested in defending their own turf than fulfilling the vision of the organization and helping each other be successful. Without attention to detail, many things fall through the cracks, and the team receives lots of complaints from those they are supposed to serve.


Departmental isolation, known as “silos,” are a way of life for this team. People spend their time and energies defending their own positions instead of collaborating to provide solutions. Team members are defensive and fiercely competitive. They feel threatened by outside input, so they become intellectually lethargic and emotionally numb. People on the outside wonder why the team doesn’t give them time and attention.