Score Possibilities for - Understanding
People on your team can clearly articulate the vision and goals of the team, and they can explain each person’s specific role. The leader invites people to ask any question at any time, and he values open dialogue. When conflicts arise, they are addressed quickly and thoroughly. The leader invests significant time and resources in team building: understanding, listening, supporting, encouraging, and celebrating each other’s successes.
Most of the people on the team have a good understanding of the overall vision of the team, their specific roles, and the contributions of others on the team. A few people, however, may not have a clear picture of vision, goals, and individual roles. There may be a few simmering conflicts that haven’t been resolved. On some occasions, these unresolved problems make people somewhat defensive instead of giving wholehearted support to one another.
A few people on the team may have a clear grasp of their roles, but they often act in isolation. Staff meetings are often cover the list of tasks to delegate, with little if any genuine give and take. People on the team are like billiard balls bouncing off each other, except for a few close cliques of people who get together to complain about the leadership.
People on the team aren’t really sure how to connect the overall vision of the organization with their specific roles, and even more, they don’t collaborate to maximize the team’s potential. People on the team have little appreciation for each other, and they don’t even understand how they might work together more effectively. Tension is a normal part of team relationships because conflict isn’t adequately addressed.
People on this team are either fiercely (and blindly) loyal to their leader, apathetic because they feel their contributions don’t count, or deeply resentful because they feel used. Without a clear, compelling, and shared vision, staff members are suspicious of the leader’s motives. Conspiracies form as people seek solace from other disgruntled team members.